Posted by Sade Williams


Airbus and Rolls-Royce have signed a collaboration agreement for the development and testing of the aero-engine maker’s fuel efficient UltraFan powerplant.


The agreement includes integrating the UltraFan onto future long-range aircraft, and the scaling of the technology for short-range use.


Airbus said the UltraFan’s integration will be co-funded by the EU’s Clean Sky 2 research fund, established to develop emissions-reduction technology.


“This is another step forward in our UltraFan engine journey and it is great to have Airbus expertise to further strengthen our ability to deliver this important development programme,” Rolls’ chief engineer Andy Geer said.


According to Airwise, the UltraFan engine has a new core architecture and lean-burn combustion system, contributing to improved fuel burn efficiency and lower emissions, according to a Rolls-Royce statement. The engine also introduces a geared design to deliver efficient power at high-bypass ratios.


Airbus Head of Research, Axel Flaig, said the development programme “is a key project for Airbus to pave the way towards the next generation integrated propulsion systems that will be needed by airline customers towards the end of the next decade.”


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